Introductions by: Justin Merino of LAFFF, Abbey Tate of TEC and Lisa Messeri, Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Yale University.
We’ll be hosting a cultural hackathon, bringing together thought leaders, educators, connected consumers and brands on one stage here at The Technicolor Experience Center in Los Angeles for a one-day deep dive into the “The Future Consumer.”
The TEC is where artists and technologists form across all industries come together to realize full potential of immersive media. We enable the ideation, exploration, and creation of content that pushes the boundaries of what immersive experiences can be.
2:00pm – 2:30pm: What Future Consumer Experiences Can Be
LAFFF & the TEC will touch on how technology and creativity can merge to redefine what a consumer experience and why they are leading the way. Lisa Messeri, Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Yale University will join the conversation with insight on how the Hackathon can reach its full future potential.
2:30pm – 4:00pm: Hackathon: Design Consumers Future Interaction for Fashion, Taste, Beauty, and Entertainment.
After hearing about the TEC+LAFFF “Future of” project in the space, be a part of creating the future! We’ll hold breakout sessions in which groups look at some recent examples of reimagined spaces and come up with ideas on what this could mean for the Taste, Beauty, Fashion and Entertainment industries.
Join us on the TEC Stage for this insightful look into the future!
Stick around for an Afternoon Film Screening - We'll screen some of the best film submissions on the TEC stage. Lights, camera, fashion, action! RSVP